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Are you a high schooler in the DC, Maryland, or Northern Virginia area looking to create meaningful change in your community? Do you have an idea for how you would like to create a positive impact?

Vital Voices is proud to announce the re-launch of Rising Voices Clubs, a unique opportunity for high school leaders in the DC area to amplify their community impact. Rising Voices Clubs will bring lessons in advocacy and organizing to young leaders in the DC area to help turn their bold ideas into bold actions. High school club leaders will serve as youth delegates, working closely with Rising Voices staff to create curriculum, decide on training focuses, and design their school club’s impact project. Rising Voices staff will provide facilitation materials, advocacy toolkits, and mentorship to support each club in carrying out their project design. 

Club members will also be invited to team building gatherings and key Vital Voices events throughout the program, giving participants the opportunity to interact with each other and the wider Vital Voices network. 

  • Leadership and skills-based training
  • Mentorship
  • Social Impact funds

Meet Club Leaders

Brea Ampaw

2024 Fellow,

Brea Ampaw is a junior at her high school. She loves math and working on AI/ML projects. She has a passion for helping and advocating for others. Brea loves her community because it has exposed her to amazing opportunities and she wants to give back.
With her club, she hopes to have a positive impact on her community and bring girls at her school together. This club would be a safe space for girls to talk about issues, get help with homework, participate in engaging workshops, and learn about college.
Youth & Girls Empowerment
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United States

Abby Bickston

2024 Fellow,

Abby is a junior at her high school in Maryland. Abby has a passion for helping others and values making an impact through her service on her greater community. In her free time, she enjoys being outdoors in the company of her friends, family, and animals.

Abby is working with Sarah and Ellie to create a club focused on domestic violence and human trafficking. Their club will both spread awareness about these issues and through partnering with their local domestic violence shelter to provide support.

Equality & Women's Rights
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United States

Zahra Jamal

2024 Fellow,

Zahra Jamal is a high school sophomore in Maryland. She is actively involved in many after-school clubs including Student Government Association and was elected class officer both years. She is a member of the Minority Scholars Program, the Muslim Student Association, and Women in STEM. She aspires to become a dermatologist. Her club focuses on well-being and topics revolving around self-care, healthy eating, fitness, and mental health. She is a martial artist and currently a red belt in Taekwondo.
Her club is a Wellness Club that focuses on well-being, self-care, healthy eating habits, how to manage stress, and fitness. She believes this club is important because high school students endure a lot of stress due to AP classes and stressful courses. This club can help create a safe space and stress-free environment.
Youth & Girls Empowerment
United States

Ellie Smith

2024 Fellow,

Ellie is a junior with a passion for helping others and making a positive impact in the world. Guided by her family’s principles of “help people who need it” and “leave it better than you found it,” Ellie always brings her best self to make an impact on her community. Ellie’s favorite ways to relax are walking her dog and hiking with her brothers.

Ellie is working with Sarah and Abby to create a club focused on domestic violence and human trafficking. Their club will both spread awareness about these issues and through partnering with their local domestic violence shelter to provide support.

Equality & Women's Rights
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United States

Sarah Swaren

2024 Fellow,

Sarah is a junior at her high school in Maryland. Sarah shows passion for leadership and helping others within her community to make the world a better place. She is an equestrian showjumper and enjoys spending time with her friends in the outdoors.

Sarah is working with Abby and Ellie to create a club focused on domestic violence and human trafficking. Their club will both spread awareness about these issues and through partnering with their local domestic violence shelter to provide support.

Equality & Women's Rights
+ 1 More
United States

Oluomachukwu Ukeje

2024 Fellow,

Oluomachukwu Ukeje is a junior at her high school  and the President of her school’s Rising Voices club. She enjoys listening to music, reading, listening to video essays, and crocheting. Her club focuses on addressing the needs of homelessness in her community.
Agriculture, Food & Hunger
United States