Rebekah Warren
2019 Fellow
State Representative, Michigan Legislature

United States
Rebekah Warren is currently the longest-serving member of the Michigan Legislature, having served in either the Michigan House of Representatives or the Michigan Senate since 2006. Known for her ability to reach across the aisle and negotiate, in the 2017-2018 session, Rebekah was named the most liberal member of the Michigan Senate, yet had more of her bills signed into law than any other Democrat. She has led on a broad range of issues, including:
- An effort that gained statewide attention, Rebekah negotiated the passage and ratification of the Great Lakes Basin Water Resources Compact, landmark water protection legislation that effectively banned the diversion of water from outside the basin. She was subsequently appointed to represent Michigan on the Great Lakes Commission, a bi-national and interstate commission focused on water use and conservation.
- As a lifelong resident of Michigan, known worldwide for its leadership in the automotive industry, Rebekah is passionate about encouraging the transition toward autonomous and connected vehicle technologies (ACVs). Having sponsored legislation that created the legal framework for the development and testing of ACVs, she has served as a member of the Michigan Council on Future Mobility since its inception.
- Now the co-chair of the Women’s Health Task Force within the Michigan Progressive Women’s Caucus, Rebekah is recognized as a powerful champion for reproductive rights. She led led NARAL Pro-Choice Michigan, which at that time was the state’s oldest and largest grassroots pro-choice organization, for several years before being elected to public office. She continues to be a nationally-sought-after trainer for legislators and advocates and was a contributing author of A Playbook for Abortion Rights, published by the Progressive Leadership Institute in 2016.
She was selected as a Fellow for the 2019-2020 VV Engage Cohort.