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Alison Price

2020 Fellow

Founder, SoilCyclers


When SoilCyclers Founder and MD Alison Price first set up her new business in 2009, she had never owned a pair of steel cap boots, and the last time she wore fluoro orange was as a kid in the 80’s. Now, almost 12 years later, Alison has transformed her business into one of the largest full-scale soil recycling operations in Australia, recycling up to half a million cubic metres of soil each year across 50 different sites. As a strong, female leader working across three out of the four most male-dominated industries in Australia, Alison prides herself on her ability to think differently. Her innovative recycling methods help her clients and the environment by reducing waste and minimizing the amount that ends up in landfill, reducing the number of trucks on local roads, and reducing the use of virgin resources.

Alison holds a Bachelor of Business from QUT, and worked as a knowledge management specialist for an Information Management consultancy prior to starting her business. Since 2009, she has been campaigning to make positive changes to traditional practices in the construction, waste and mining industries through her mobile soil amelioration and remediation service, SoilCyclers. By transforming onsite waste into reusable materials, SoilCyclers can reduce the use of virgin resources and offer significant savings to their clients.

Alison’s recognitions and awards include the: 2013 Australian Business Awards ‚ÄòBest Eco Product’; 2013 National Association of Women in Construction (NAWIC) Queensland/Northern Territory Achievement as a Businesswoman (Small Business) Award; 2014 NAWIC Queensland/Northern Territory Crystal Vision Award for Achievement in Construction (Civil Works); 2014 Civenex-Q Winner for ‚ÄòBest Green Site’; 2015 Civil Contractors Federation Earth Awards Finalist for ‚ÄòEarthmover and Civil Contractor Environmental Choice’; 2019 APC ‚ÄòWoman of Waste’ Award; and now more recently, the 2020 Asia Pacific Awardee for the WE Empower United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Challenge. Alison is a former Director and Vice Chair of the National Association of Women In Construction (NAWIC), a Director of Austmine and a Board Member for the Waste Recycling Industry Association of Queensland (WRIQ).

Sustainable Development Goals 5 (Gender Equality), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), and 13 (Climate Action)