Vital Voices would like to congratulate Jennifer Ndunge Mulli, a Vital Voices alumna and member of the Kenya Association of Women and Business Owners (KAWBO), on her acceptance into the 2012 African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP). AWEP was first launched by the State Department in July 2010 as part of the Africa Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), which promotes U.S. African-trade and helps foster a better business environment on the continent. The competitive program identifies and promotes networks of African business women by bringing approximately 40 women to the United States each year to receive training, professional development, and to network and share best practices with U.S. policymakers, non-profits, business leaders, and development organizations.
Jennifer is the Managing Director of Katchy Kollections Ltd., a Kenyan company that produces unique beaded leather, sisal bags, and wooden items made by women and youth. As the manager of marketing and distribution for Katchy Kollections, Jennifer hoped AWEP would help her create new jobs by designing demand driven products. She also looked forward to networking with other businesswomen in order to learn new strategies to overcome obstacles that African women commonly face.
So far, Jennifer has had a rewarding experience in AWEP, networking and learning about AGOA. Three weeks into the program, she has already made new business connections with Diane von Furstenberg, fashion designer and Vital Voices Board Member, and ABC Home, both of whom are interested in working with Jennifer in the future. Overall, she says, “the experience has been awesome and exposing” and she now sees how exporting under AGOA “can positively affect [her] business.”
Congratulations again to Jennifer! Vital Voices wishes her the best with her business endeavors.
Picture:Eniola Mafe and Jennifer Mulli at Vital Voices AWEP presentation