Join us on Tuesday, October 25 at 12 p.m. EST, as we host an hour-long chat via Twitter on the upcoming elections in Tunisia, and what these and other elections in the Middle East will mean for women.
The Tunisian elections are just one of a series of elections sweeping across the Middle East in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. As new governments are formed and constitutions are penned, opportunities to lift the overall status of women and encourage women’s political participation are widespread – but these opportunities may not come back again for several years. So we’re wondering, what are the current and future implications of these rapid changes for women in the Middle East? What are the potential opportunities or setbacks? And what can be done to ensure that women, who have been active participants and advocates throughout these uprisings, continue to be heard?
If you have never participated in a Tweetchat with us before, joining is simple. We recommend using simply sign in with your Twitter account and enter the room #VVLead. You may use this hashtag, in fact, whenever you discuss women or leadership on Twitter. If you don’t have a Twitter account, there is still time to create one before the 25th.
You can spread the word about this and future Tweetchats via Twitter and Facebook, and add this chat to your calendar below.
If you have ideas for future discussions, leave them below in the comments section or Tweet at us!
Hope to tweet with you next Tuesday!